海の幸はもちろん多種多様な農作物、そして工芸品といった逸品は数多い 。
昔から五島全域で男の子の初節 句を祝い空高く揚げられて来たバラモン凧。
バラモン凧の「バラモ ン」とは、五島の方言で「ばらか」 に由来し、「荒々しく」「向こう見 ず」という意味。
通常のバラモン凧の絵柄は鬼に立ち向かう武者の後ろ姿が描かれるが、富江のバラモン凧は一風変わっている。鬼の顔の下に正面を 向いた武者の姿が描かれているの だ。
鬼の下には龍や虎 などが描かれている。 30年以上バラモン凧を描き続ける保田康博さんが描くバラモン凧は龍や虎の姿がまるで本物の生 き物のようにリアルに描かれている。
虎の毛並みは一本一本に至るまで、龍の姿も鱗の一枚一枚まで、 まるで命を吹き込むように緻密に筆を動かし、色付けを行っていく。
現在ではバラモン凧を描く人も 昔と比べて減ってしまったが、保田さんは貴重な技術を後世に残そうと活動している。
Delights of Tomie
Tomie is located in a vast plain surrounded by the sea. The town offers many delights such as seafood, agricultural products and handicrafts.
Since long ago the Baramon kite has been flown in the sky throughout Goto in order to celebrate the first birthday of a family's sons. The name "Baramon" originates from the Goto dialect, the word "baraka" means "rough" and "not watching where one is going." The typical Baramon kite pattern depicts the back of a warrior who faces a demon, but Tomie's Baramon kite is rather peculiar. The figure of the warrior is facing the front and is drawn under the face of the demon. It seems that the warrior has defeated the demon and is wearing its head, displaying it during his triumphant return. There are also dragons and tigers drawn under the demons. Mr. Yasuhiro Hoda, who has been drawing Baramon kites for over 30 years. He endeavors to create a realistic portrayal of the dragons and tigers so they appear to be living creatures. Each hair of the tiger's fur and each scale of the dragon is recreated, one brush stroke a time, with precision that allows the artist to bring these creatures to life. Compared to the past, the number of people drawing Baramon kites has decreased. However, Hoda is working to preserve this valuable technique for future generations.